Python ORM - MSIB 7 - 2024
Resources -
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Course Introduction -
Course Introduction
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ORM Introduction -
ORM Introduction
• ORM - Overview, Use Cases and Advantages;
• Database Drivers;
• Django ORM;
• Using ORM in Django.Resources
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Django Models Basics -
Django Models Basics
• Introduction to Models;
• Model Fields and Field Types;
• Model Field Options.Resources
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Exercise: Django Models Basics -
Exercise: Django Models Basics
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Migrations and Django Admin -
Migrations and Django Admin
• Introduction to Migrations;
• Migration Commands;
• Introduction to Django Admin Site;
• Customizing Django Admin Site;
• Customizing Migrations.Resources
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Exercise: Migrations and Django Admin -
Exercise: Migrations and Django Admin
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Data Operations in Django with Queries -
Data Operations in Django with Queries
• QuerySet Explained;
• Writing CRUD Queries in Django.Resources
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Exercise: Data Operations in Django with Queries -
Exercise: Data Operations in Django with Queries
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Working with Queries in Django -
Working with Queries in Django
• Advanced Queries in Django;
• Django Lookups;
• Django Bulk Queries.Resources
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Exercise: Working with queries in Django -
Exercise: Working with queries in Django
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Django Models Relations -
Django Models Relations
• Database Normalization;
• Relationships Explained;
• One-to-One Relationship;
• Many-to-One Relationship;
• Many-to-Many Relationship.Resources
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Exercise: Django Models Relations -
Exercise: Django Models Relations
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Models Inheritance and Customization -
Models Inheritance and Customization
• Inheritance of Models;
• Abstract Models;
• Custom Fields;
• Model Methods.Resources
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Exercise: Models Inheritance and Customization -
Exercise: Models Inheritance and Customization
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Advanced Django Model Techniques -
Advanced Django Model Techniques
• Mixins;
• Indexing;
• Meta Class.Resources
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Exercise: Advanced Django Model Techniques -
Exercise: Advanced Django Model Techniques
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Advanced Queries in Django -
Advanced Queries in Django
• Custom Managers;
• Prefetch Data;
• Debugging Queries.Resources
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Exercise: Advanced Queries in Django -
Exercise: Advanced Queries in Django
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SQLAlchemy -
• Introduction;
• Defining Models;
• Migrations;
• Queries and CRUD Operations.Resources
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Exercise: SQLAlchemy -
Exercise: SQLAlchemy
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Exam Preparation -
Exam Preparation
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Workshop - Simple Django Project -
Workshop - Simple Django Project
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Workshop - Simple Django Project with SQLAlchemy -
Workshop - Simple Django Project with SQLAlchemy
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Regular Exam -
Regular Exam
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When does the course start?
Training starts on October 28, 2025. You can find a detailed schedule of classes in the " Topics " section.
When and where will the classes take place?
You can learn online in real time. Immediately after each lesson, you also get access to the lesson recording and learning resources.
What is the exam and when will it be held?
The exam will be held online on October 29 . It will include a practical part - in the form of practical tasks and a theoretical part - in the form of a test .
Will I get a certificate after the exam?
After passing the exam, you will acquire a certificate from SoftUni if you score above Mn. a good 5.00 from the practical part, and you will also have the opportunity to obtain a state-recognized " Professional Training Certificate " valid throughout the European Union. You can view the requirements for obtaining a certificate HERE .