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Kursus yang ditawarkan oleh SoftUni sangat berorientasi pada praktik. Mereka mencakup berbagai topik dan cocok untuk siapa saja yang ingin masuk ke berbagai bidang pemrograman dan teknologi IT, mengembangkan keterampilan kunci yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan profesional mereka di masa depan. Setelah menyelesaikan setiap kursus, peserta memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan sertifikat resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh SoftUni.

4 000

have already developed their skills with SoftUni Indonesia


Django Advanced - MSIB7 2024 14/11/2024 0Weeks
The Django Advanced course will delve into the details of web programming with Python using one of the most popular Python Frameworks - Django. Enrolled students will learn how to register, log in and log out users. In addition, attention will be paid to asynchronous operations, as well as the intricacies of developing dynamic web applications. The Django REST Framework will also be covered. Basic concepts of Unit and Integration Testing will be learned and best practices for testing a Web application will be clarified. The course ends with a defense of your own project, which is based on the Django framework. The training emphasizes hands-on exercises that involve participants in real web development projects, creating complete modern websites with a good look and modern structure.
Django Basics - MSIB7 2024 30/10/2024 1Weeks
The Django Basics course will lay the foundations of Web programming with Python and Django. They will look at how networks actually work, what HTTP is, and what the basic principles of web development are. The course will examine the main concepts in the MTV (Model–Template–View) architecture, such as Function-Based Views, Class-Based Views, and in addition to them, forms (Form and ModelForm) will be used for application development, works with media files, and the data will be stored in PostgreSQL.

The training includes practical exercises (labs) and workshops for building complete, fully functional Django web applications.
Python ORM - MSIB 7 - 2024 27/10/2024 0Weeks
In the "Python DB" module, knowledge of PostgreSQL and popular ORMs for processing databases with Python is acquired. The first part of the module focuses on PostgreSQL, introducing students to basic concepts in the world of databases. The module will introduce them to one of the most widely used database management systems (DBMS) in the development of modern applications - PostgreSQL. They will acquire skills for working with relational databases, with an emphasis on basic functionalities, such as working with tables, grouping functions, transactions, procedures, etc. The second course is related to working with databases using the standard object-oriented data modeling in Python - Django and SQLAlchemy. Students use the acquired knowledge of object-oriented programming and PostgreSQL so that at the end of the module they can build large projects, navigate them, applying popular methodologies and good practices for writing code.
PostgreSQL MSIB 7 2024 24/10/2024 0Weeks
Databases are the standard way of using dynamic information in modern technology, making them an indispensable part of almost every application. The intensive course on the basics of databases will introduce one of the most widely used database management systems (DBMS) used in the development of modern information systems - PostgreSQL. The course gives strong attention to the relational model, ER diagrams (tables and relational relationships) and working with the SQL language (data extraction, selection, projection, joins, aggregation, grouping, modification, deletion and insertion). Fundamental knowledge of working with functions, procedures, transactions and triggers is provided. This course lays the foundations of working with databases, making it easier to use them in real-world applications and to understand concepts such as converting a database into an object-oriented model (ORM).
JS Front End MSIB 7 2024 17/10/2024 1Weeks
In the "JS Front-End" course, students will gain basic knowledge of the JavaScript language, such as the basics of syntax, working with arrays, matrices, objects, classes, and writing functions. The course will develop their algorithmic thinking. After the successful completion of this course, they will be able to work with the DOM tree, make manipulations on it and work with "events". Functional and OOP approaches to JavaScript programming will be covered. HTTP and REST data transfer concepts will be studied.
Konstantin Zlatkov
Konstantin Zlatkov Software Engineer – Oracle

SoftUni offers what most universities lack – a modern curriculum with emphasis on practical experience and hands-on projects, rather than solely on theory. During my time there, SoftUni gave me the ability to develop full-stack projects from start to finish and prepared me for the professional world. The most important thing I learned at SoftUni is that in software engineering every problem has a solution. I obtained this mindset thanks to the young and ambitious lecturers, who repeatedly demonstrated this through coding examples.

Konstantin Gerov
Konstantin Gerov Software Engineer – Tesla

The most important lesson I learned from my education at SoftUni is the value of gaining deeper understanding of fundamental concepts. I still remember when we had to create a web framework from scratch in one of the courses. Going through this rigorous learning process helped me better grasp the technology, an essential asset for when you start working. SoftUni's team of trainers is highly professional. Within a relatively short time, we were able to cover a lot of ground, allowing me to also gain and hone in on numerous new skills.

Shadi Obeyd
Shadi Obeyd Software Engineer – myPOS

SoftUni is a great place to make the first step that just might change your life – it happened to me. I know software engineering seems hard, but SoftUni has a great learning program that starts with baby steps and you learn new skills in stages. Once you join the program it will not be easy, but trust me - don’t give up!

Sinan Aliman
Sinan Aliman Software Engineer - Endava

All of the lecturers I met were great people and professionals. They were always there to help. The courses were exhaustive enough to give me the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to start a job."

Konstantin Zlatkov
Konstantin Zlatkov Software Engineer – Oracle

SoftUni offers what most universities lack – a modern curriculum with emphasis on practical experience and hands-on projects, rather than solely on theory. During my time there, SoftUni gave me the ability to develop full-stack projects from start to finish and prepared me for the professional world. The most important thing I learned at SoftUni is that in software engineering every problem has a solution. I obtained this mindset thanks to the young and ambitious lecturers, who repeatedly demonstrated this through coding examples.

Konstantin Gerov
Konstantin Gerov Software Engineer – Tesla

The most important lesson I learned from my education at SoftUni is the value of gaining deeper understanding of fundamental concepts. I still remember when we had to create a web framework from scratch in one of the courses. Going through this rigorous learning process helped me better grasp the technology, an essential asset for when you start working. SoftUni's team of trainers is highly professional. Within a relatively short time, we were able to cover a lot of ground, allowing me to also gain and hone in on numerous new skills.

Shadi Obeyd
Shadi Obeyd Software Engineer – myPOS

SoftUni is a great place to make the first step that just might change your life – it happened to me. I know software engineering seems hard, but SoftUni has a great learning program that starts with baby steps and you learn new skills in stages. Once you join the program it will not be easy, but trust me - don’t give up!

Sinan Aliman
Sinan Aliman Software Engineer - Endava

All of the lecturers I met were great people and professionals. They were always there to help. The courses were exhaustive enough to give me the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to start a job.